5 Reasons to go All-In on Social Media in 2016

Evaluating your marketing spend for 2016?

If one of your main business goals for the New Year is to get your messaging in front of thousands of potential customers – both passive & active, then it’s time to go all-in on social media!

Going all-in on social media means more than posting a blog article once a week. It means more than sharing a funny meme that you and your co-worker “like”. And it’s certainly more than just setting up a page so that you can tell people your company has a Facebook page.

When I say 2016 is the year to go all-in on social media, I mean it’s time to make social a core component of your marketing mix.

Social Media Strategies for 2016 – 5 Reasons to Go All-In

As of the third quarter of 2015, Facebook had 1.55 billion (Yes…billion) monthly active users (source).

Think about your current marketing strategy. How many potential customers can you reach if you attend a tradeshow? How about a posting in the local paper? For the cost of a typical marketing initiative, are you seeing measurable and noteworthy results?

It’s time to get your messaging heard by the people that matter…for a fraction of the cost of that gigantic billboard on the highway.

Your Competitors Have Already Embraced Social Media…

…If not it’s time to bury the competition.

Our team works with over 250 customers across North America on their blogging and social media marketing programs, and we’re helping them set up their social media strategies for 2016.

Every day, I observe what these companies are doing with their marketing mix, and I’m happy to say that businesses are truly starting to embrace social media as a viable marketing solution.

What does that mean for you?

If you’re not staying ahead of modern marketing trends, it’s time to start! Don’t let preconceived notions about social media impact your decision to stand out, stay top of mind, and sell more.

For businesses in markets or industries where the competition hasn’t caught on to social media…What are you waiting for? Want to differentiate yourself? Want to stand out from the crowd? Create a social media marketing strategy that your competitors are jealous of! More importantly, start driving business that your competitors are jealous of!

Data Confirms the Theory

It’s simple…businesses that go all-in on social media outperform those that “sort of” buy into the concept.

Want an example?…

Client X sought social media support from our team beginning in October of 2014. Ignoring engagement and just looking at sessions started on the client’s website, you’ll see that consistent posting and a concrete social sharing strategy led to a steady increase in overall sessions generated from social media.


In June, our team started created weekly blogging content and sharing that content through the company’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ pages. This strategy was measured, evaluated, and definitive decisions were made to make sure we were posting the right content, at the right time, to start driving more traffic back to blog content and top job opportunities.

The results? The graph below speaks for itself, but June-August saw a 838% increase in website sessions generated from social media compared to the three months prior .


One more example? We used Google Analytics to evaluate the impact that cancelling a social media sharing strategy has on overall websites referrals.

In the example below, heavy organic social sharing efforts were put into place for July through the middle of October…and then no additional sharing was done. We immediately saw a drop off in website sessions from social media, just as we were beginning to pick up momentum.

The takeaway?

Social media marketing doesn’t have a finish line…but there are definitely checkpoints where you should evaluate what is and is not working.


Social is the New Cold Call

For years, cold calling has been a big part of many staffing firms’ sales strategies. But times are changing, and sales tactics need to change, too!

Related Content: Is Social the New Cold Call? 20 Tips to Drive Sales Leads with Social Media

We Have a Solution That’s 92% Less Cost Than a New Hire!

With Social Pro by BARQAR, one of our skilled Social Media Marketing Advisors will take responsibility for developing your organization’s voice on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. By posting quality content and other branded shareables every day, your company will be positioned for 2016 success within your target market.

Make social media marketing a priority, and let us help you craft a perfect social media strategy for 2016. Contact BARQAR to learn more about Social Pro.

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