Basic SEO Tips for Your Content Marketing Strategy

Having an integrated marketing strategy maximizes the results of your digital marketing campaign. This means that your search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing work together to bring traffic to your site.

In case you’re new to SEO, it’s the process of bringing organic traffic from a search engine to your website. Based on the keywords a user types into a search engine, the search engine results page (SERP) delivers results the user is looking for. The results are ranked by relevance to the user.

As for content marketing, it’s a tactic to create relevant content that can attract new leads to your site. The content is tailored to your target audience and designed to result in a type of action. Downloading an e-book, setting up a consultation, or moving down the marketing funnel in another way may be the desired end result.

Combining SEO with your content marketing increases organic traffic to your site. The more your content answers users’ questions and solves their problems, the more likely they are to purchase from your company. So, you need a plan to combine both for maximum effectiveness.

Use these SEO tips to increase your content marketing strategy results.

Understand your target market

Create buyer personas for the audience you want to reach. Include your target market’s age range, gender, location, interests, and buying behaviors. And, consider the questions, concerns, and challenges your audience may have when searching for products or services like yours. Understanding which kinds of subjects they might search for provides a basis for your keyword research and content marketing subjects.

Conduct keyword research

Know which keywords people are using in online searches to answer their questions. You can use this to create valuable content that ranks your site higher in search engines. Include highly targeted keywords to attract quality leads who are ready to convert.

Craft quality content

Make a list of content topic ideas based on your keywords. Use your subjects to create high-quality blog posts, e-books, white papers, videos, and other content to promote your company. Include your keywords throughout each content piece. Use relevant examples to explain complex topics. Break up your information into short paragraphs so it’s easy to skim.

Share your content

Promote your content on your website, social media, and other online platforms your target audience is on. Getting your content in front of the right people helps you create connections with relevant leads. Consumers can use your expertise to make smarter purchasing decisions. Building relationships by providing valuable information for each step of the sales funnel increases the likelihood that followers will buy from your company.

Need help developing your content marketing strategy?

If you have questions or need help with any part of the process, contact BARQAR’s marketing experts today!

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