
You Know Nothing If You’re Not Re-Engaging Your Digital Audience

“You know nothing!”

Ok, perhaps that wording is a bit dramatic, but we really want to drive home how important it is to re-engage your digital audience, those people you worked so hard to attract to your website.

What Is Re-Engaging?

Although re-engaging has nothing to do with diamond rings, it is helpful to think of the concept in terms of creating irresistible relationships with your customers. Like any long-term relationship, you need to find ways to stand out, stay top-of-mind, demonstrate understanding and explain your value to the people you want to do business with.

Re-engaging allows you to consistently stay in front of your audience and “keep them coming back for more” – so that when they’re ready to buy, your business is the logical choice.

Tips for Re-Engaging Your Digital Audience:

    1. Know where they go online. Any number of factors (e.g., age, education, geography, and for B2B, factors like industry, functional role and management level) influence your audience’s online behavior. To effectively re-engage them, you must first understand where they spend time online and what they do while they’re there. Investigate which platforms your target audience frequents and how they use them; quizzes linked in email newsletter and/or online polls are good options.
    2. Understand your customer journey. Just as a traveler may take myriad routes to reach their destination (using a variety of vehicles), your audience may take any number of paths when engaging with your business. Charting those paths, including all of the touchpoints along the way, is essential to maximizing your opportunities for conversion at each phase of their online purchasing decision-making process. Start with one category of customer, map out their journey (including touchpoints) first and then replicate the process with other defined audiences..
    3. Use data. Not surprisingly, the better you understand your audience’s desires, needs, challenges and interests, the better equipped you’ll be to re-engage them. So don’t guess! Leverage every opportunity you have to capture essential information whenever an individual shows interest in your company (this post contains tips for getting great customer insights from Facebook). Then, use that data to refine your understanding of your audience and your digital marketing strategy.
    4. Be consistent. Would you water a seed once and expect it to bear fruit? Of course not. Digital marketing is no different. To effectively build awareness, interest, leads and ultimately sales, your re-engagement efforts must be consistent. In this post, we provide tips for creating a consistent marketing strategy.
    5. Add value. Selling is rarely a one-call close (hence the need for re-engagement!). But if you continually sell, sell, sell to your audience, you’ll quickly turn them off. Nurturing customer relationships requires you to lower prospects’ sales resistance by patiently educating, helping address their challenges, and more. This post shares ways to re-engage your audience by adding value.
    6. Remarket to re-engage. Once you have built your audience, digital marketing retargeting – also known as remarketing – allows you to serve targeted ads to your previous customers or website visitors. In our next post, we’ll delve into this topic further and share practical, and extremely effective, remarketing tips.


Need Help Re-Engaging Your Customers And Prospects?

That’s what we’re here for! BARQAR’s experts will develop a structured, consistent and cost-effective plan to re-engage your audience and sell more. Give us a call today.


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