
Convert More Website Visitors to Customers

So your website is up and running, or has been for quite some time…and people are visiting your site and you’re generally happy with the traffic numbers…

…But maybe they are not staying on the site, or you’re not converting them to customers the way you would like.
There are many things we here at BARQAR can do to help you discover why, but one of the first things you can do is review the basic design elements.
  1. How Old is the Design on your Site?
    Be honest. The way your site looks really does have an impact on whether or not people take your company seriously…and more than 83% of potential customers look at a website before calling or visiting that business!!  How aesthetically pleasing is your site? Is your site really one that makes a visual impression that would make you want to visit? Does it have pleasing colors? Are the images of the people on your site from the 1980s (not purposely)? Are the fonts easy to read? Does your logo represent the professionalism of your company?
  2. Great Headlines (Very Important!)
    Your headline should grab the reader’s attention. It should quickly inform the user what you are all about, and reflect the tone of your company. It should also be short – especially on landing pages. Aim to have about 10 words or less in your headline. Your sub-headline should support your headline AND be persuasive. You want people to stay and take the next step. Your imagery should also be large, up to date, and support whatever you are offering. A disconnect with your imagery may confuse people and cause them to bounce from your site and not convert.  If your visitor remains after reading your headline, sub-headline and connecting your imagery, the next piece of the puzzle is your “explanation.” Your explanation offers the “proposition” for your site visitor. It is where you offer the story of how you differ from others who do what you do. If you are trying to convert visitors on a landing page, bullet-pointed “benefits” can offer your reader a quick overview of why they need what you are offering.
  3. Clear Call to Actions (CTAs) for your Visitors
    Buttons. They really do help people know what they should do next. You can attract the right people, interest them and then lose them because you never told them what you want them to do next. Should they contact you? Do they need to go to another page and find a phone number or an email address to contact you (they probably won’t search long or hard for that kind of next step)? Do you offer resources such as white papers or eBooks for download, but visitors are unsure how to access the materials? Clear CTAs are even more necessary now as people search for information quickly on mobile devices. Don’t lose visitors because they are unsure of what to do next. Big buttons really standout on mobile devices.
  4. Solve a Problem
    This is really the key point to keep in mind as you do all the above things. Everything should work together in a kind of fine-tuned symbiosis. Be sure you are communicating and offering THE solution to your visitors’ potential problems. They arrived at your site or landing page for a reason. Assure them that they have found the right business to solve their problem. Create confidence by having an up-to-date site or landing page that is purposefully designed. Be sure that it’s responsive to their device.


Not sure where to get started?

Contact BARQAR and we’ll help you create a strategy, discover what your audience is talking about, and reach AND convert them at a greater rate!

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