
4 Tips for a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

How many emails have you received this week? Dozens? Hundreds? More?

We’re inundated with email – so much so that you may think, “What’s the point in using it for marketing?”

But we’re going to stop you right there.

Despite the rise of social media marketing and proliferation of communication methods, traditional tools like email are still worth their weight in gold. In fact, email is still the king of marketing ROI, generating a $38 return for every dollar spent (that’s a 3,800% ROI!).

Sound appealing to you?

If so, use these tips to design a kick a$$ email marketing campaign that attracts, engages and converts:

  1. Great copy. Your customers and prospects receive as many emails as you. Expertly written copy that clearly communicates your unique value, creates an emotional connection and gets to the point quickly is essential to generating response:
    1. Hook readers with a great subject line. Use active voice. Pique the reader’s interest with a question or hint of what’s in your email’s body. Skip the ALL CAPS AND MULTIPLE EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!! Think: Would I click this if I were a reader?
    2. Don’t lose them once they’ve clicked. If a reader opens your email, craft the body copy so it’s brief, has a singular purpose which is immediately clear, and doesn’t contain hyperbole or false promises.
    3. Close the deal with a strong call to action. Read this post for tips on crafting irresistible calls to action.
  2. Attractive design. Like your copy, the design of your email must immediately capture a reader’s attention. Clean, simple design that complements your message (and brand), makes your content easy to skim, and accentuates your call to action works best for your busy audience. Perhaps most importantly, make sure your emails are designed to adjust to the device they are viewed on.
  3. “Good guy” tactics. As we explained in an earlier post, it can be tempting to use unethical methods to create short-term gains (such as higher click rates) in your email marketing. But Black Hat tactics ultimately backfire, creating long-term negative repercussions that seriously damage your business. Make sure you’re not inadvertently engaging in unscrupulous activities that could undermine your success.
  4. A/B testing. Sometimes, it’s impossible to know exactly what type of subject line, marketing message, call to action or offer will resonate best with your audience. The antidote? A/B testing. By isolating a single variable in your campaign; then systematically testing two alternatives, you can see which option achieves better results – and dramatically improve your effectiveness.

Need assistance building and executing a successful email marketing campaign?

Let BARQAR design a campaign to help you stay in front of clients and prospects, build your brand and generate more response. Give BARQAR’s marketing experts a call today.


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