Tag: SEO Companies in Buffalo
What Are Google’s Rules for SEO?
Am I doing this right? It’s a question we field all the time from businesses that want their site to rank well in Google searches – while still delivering a great experience for human users.
Help! I Don’t Know What Keywords to Rank for…
At BARQAR, we hear pleas like these every week. And we feel your frustration! SEO is a moving target, and Google is notoriously secretive about just what keywords and other ranking factors will help you
10 Digital Marketing Trends We’re Ready for in 2020
“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” –Benjamin Franklin Ben was a smart man, for sure, but we’d add one more thing to his list: change!
Technical SEO: Why Is It Important?
Oh, I can almost feel your eyes glazing over after reading this post title. But stick with me – technical SEO isn’t that tough to understand, and it’s incredibly important to your website traffic and
How to Know When it’s Time to Update your SEO Strategy?
Looking to drive more visibility for your company? Want to be seen as a leader in your industry or local market? Would you love more qualified inbound leads who are looking for the exact services
And the Most Effective SEO Tactic is…
Before we begin, I’d like to preface this post by saying there is no single “silver bullet” tactic that will guarantee you top ranking in Google, Bing and Yahoo. In fact, there are hundreds of