
Impossible to Ignore: Creating Memorable Content to Influence Decisions (Podcast)

Creating content that sticks is more challenging than ever. If you want your message to resonate long enough to drive action, you need to understand how memory works and how it influences decision-making.

Enter Dr. Carmen Simon’s book Impossible to Ignore: Creating Memorable Content to Influence Decisions—a must-read for anyone serious about making an impact.

We break down the key concepts from the book through a 3-part podcast series hosted by Brad Smith from the Barker Bites podcast. Each episode focuses on specific strategies for making content memorable and actionable.

Part 1: Understanding Memory and Its Role in Decision-Making

In the first part of the series, Brad explores how memory is the foundation of decision-making. After all, people are more likely to act on what they remember. But, as Dr. Simon explains, the brain is designed to forget most of the information it processes. So, how do you create content that doesn’t get lost in the noise?

Key Takeaways:

  • Attention is the First Step to Memory:
    If you can’t capture attention, your content won’t be remembered. Use elements of surprise or intrigue to stand out from the crowd and engage your audience from the get-go.
  • Memory is Selective:
    People tend to remember content that resonates with their emotions, needs, or personal experiences. Focus on creating messages that are not just informational but emotionally engaging.
  • Repetition Strengthens Memory:
    Repetition is essential for building strong memories. However, it’s not about saying the same thing repeatedly. The trick is to reinforce your message in various creative ways across multiple channels.

Listen to Episode 1:


Part 2: Using Triggers to Drive Action

In the second episode of the podcast series, Brad dives into the power of triggers—external cues that activate memories and drive behavior. Dr. Simon explains that memories are often linked to specific environmental or emotional triggers, and the key to influencing decisions is creating strong associations between your message and those triggers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Associating Your Message with Everyday Situations:
    Context matters. People are more likely to recall your message when it’s tied to something familiar in their daily lives—whether it’s a common phrase, a visual cue, or an emotion.
  • Emotional Triggers Strengthen Memory:
    High-arousal emotions like excitement, joy, or even fear can act as powerful triggers. Content that elicits these emotions is more likely to be remembered and shared.
  • Subtle Cues Can Also Be Effective:
    Not all triggers need to be overt. Visual elements, sounds, or even specific colors can act as subtle triggers that bring your message back to mind when encountered again.

Listen to Episode 2:

Part 3: Structuring Content for Maximum Impact

In the final episode, Brad discusses the critical role of content structure in making your message impossible to ignore. Dr. Simon emphasizes that while great ideas are essential, how those ideas are presented can make or break their memorability.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use a Storytelling Framework:
    People are naturally wired to remember stories more easily than raw facts. Structuring your content as a narrative helps make it more engaging and easier to recall.
  • Simplicity and Clarity Are Key:
    Overly complex messages get filtered out by the brain. Keep your content clear and focused to ensure your audience retains your message.
  • Incorporate Contrasts to Strengthen Memory:
    The brain remembers contrasts—whether it’s before-and-after scenarios or comparing two opposing ideas. Creating contrasts in your content forces the audience to make mental connections, leading to stronger retention.

Episode 3:

Making Your Content Impossible to Ignore

Creating content that drives action requires more than just creativity—it requires a deep understanding of how memory works. As Dr. Carmen Simon explains in Impossible to Ignore, influencing decisions starts with creating memorable content. Whether through attention-grabbing techniques, strategically placed triggers, or effective content structure, the principles in this book can transform the way you communicate with your audience.

If you would like to leverage the ideas presented here, contact BARQAR Marketing today. Our team can help you tell memorable stories, leverage triggers to create an emotional connection, and structure your content in a way to encourages action.







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