
Choosing the Right Keywords for Your Organic SEO Strategy

Are you trying to create an organic search engine optimization (SEO) strategy but unsure of how to choose the right keywords? If so, you’re in the right place!

The main goal of SEO is to build a qualified audience of people on your site who are interested in your product or service. Driving qualified traffic to your website can lead to an email signup, download, sale, or another type of conversion.

Since there are seemingly endless options for potential keywords, knowing how to prioritize keywords and measure your success is essential for your organic SEO strategy. These tips can help you get started.

Learn how to choose the right keywords for your organic SEO strategy.

Consider your business and marketing goals

Focus on ranking for a specific set of keywords that are based on a certain topic. Having an end goal helps measure your organic SEO success.

Use your chosen keywords and topic to create topic clusters for different sections of your website. You may want to prioritize these clusters based on the following:

  • Your business goals
  • Topics you have authority in
  • Topic clusters that are working well
  • Pages with high numbers of conversions

Determine which keywords to prioritize

Decide how you want to research which keywords to use for organic SEO. These methods may include:

  • Google Search Console: If your website has organic visitors, you might use Google Search Console to see which keywords are in positions 6 through 20. These keywords should be easy to rank for.
  • Competitor analysis: Use an SEO tool such as Ahrefs or Semrush to determine which keywords your competitors are ranking for. Focus on the potential search volume, search intent and traffic to determine which of these keywords you want to rank for. Showing Google that your website is at least as valuable as a competitor’s website helps increase your ranking.
  • Customer research: Talk with your current and potential customers about their pain points. Find out which words or phrases these customers use to search for solutions. Consider including these keywords and phrases on your website.

Prioritize your organic SEO keywords

Use these tips to prioritize your SEO keywords:

  • If you run ads on your website, determine which keywords are converting. These keywords likely will convert for your organic SEO strategy.
  • Use Google Keyword Planner to find keywords with high competition that likely are making businesses money.
  • Include keywords with high search volume at the top of your marketing funnel to raise awareness.
  • Use keywords with low search volume at the bottom of your marketing funnel to increase conversions.
  • Focus on longer-tail keywords if your site is newer and needs time to rank for organic SEO.

Measure your organic SEO success

Wait a few months to determine how well your keywords are ranking. Then, revisit your Google Search Console to determine which keywords are in positions 6 through 20.  Focus on ranking for these keywords.

Regularly repeat this optimization process. Rebuilding your content clusters helps increase your organic SEO and conversions.

Ready to schedule a free consultation?

The SEO team at BARQAR is ready to answer your questions and help you reach your digital marketing goals. Contact us today!

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