
SEO Guide 2022 – Part 5: How to Improve Your Website Domain Authority with Google’s EAT

Have you been keeping up with the changes to how Google evaluates your website to determine your domain authority?  It’s now about more than just links.

No worries if you haven’t been staying current with this issue. We’ve been monitoring the details for you.

What is domain authority?

Domain authority is a search engine ranking score that predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). The scores range from 1 to 100, with higher scores being more likely to rank.

  • Domain authority is calculated by evaluating dozens of factors, such as linking root domains and total number of links, into one score. This number is used to compare websites or to track the rating strength of a site over time. So, if your site’s domain authority score is higher than a competitor’s domain authority score, your site should rank higher in a SERP.
  • Your domain authority score likely will fluctuate as more, fewer or different data points become available and are included in the calculations. This is why you should use domain authority as a comparative metric rather than an absolute one.

Google’s most recent Quality Rater Guidelines focus on Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness (EAT).

Although EAT has been part of the guidelines for many years, it now is a more impactful impact on your domain authority than before.

How can my site increase its EAT?

  • Share content created by experts in your industry. Google wants to feature content written by established professionals in your field.
  • Include references with external links to sources, author bylines on each article, a thorough About Us page, an easily found Contact Us page, and a privacy policy and terms of service. Information about the person who created the main content, the company responsible for the website and the contact information impact your search rankings.
  • Get external websites to agree with the information you share. Being cited on other trusted websites shows you are an expert in your field.
  • Associate your whole site with a specific topic. This promotes off-site mentions from other authorities in your industry.

Where can you get help to increase your website’s domain authority?

From BARQAR, of course! Our website experts are ready to help you. Contact us today.

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