
Define Your Marketing Message in These Simple Steps

Have you ever been part of a conversation that was hard to follow? Maybe it was full of industry jargon or words that most people don’t use? Or, the topic was about something that didn’t interest or apply to you? If so, you probably zoned out and missed what the person was trying to tell you.

The same idea applies to your marketing message. If it’s not clear, easily understood and personal, your audience won’t engage. That’s a lot of wasted time and money.

So, what exactly is a marketing message? It’s what you say to your target audience to influence them to purchase your products or services. This is why your marketing message needs to create an emotional and logical response that reaches your audience on a deeper level. It should help your audience feel like your message was created just for them.

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So, how do you create a marketing message that effectively engages your audience?

Define Your Audience

Clarify the groups of people your marketing message is speaking to. After all, the majority of consumers connect better with brands that appear personally valuable, interesting or relevant. You can use market research and customer data to narrow down your ideal customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivations and goals. Be sure to into as much detail as possible. You want to reach your audience on a deeper, more personal level.

Clarify Pain Points

Consider which problems your audience faces that your product/service can help solve. Be sure to point out specific ways your offerings can resolve these issues. Again, use customer data to point out the features and benefits your buyers show interest in. This way, you target what matters most to them.

Create a Headline

Come up with a headline that sums up your product’s/service’s most relevant benefits. You want to engage buyers enough to want more details about how you can help solve their problems.

Provide a Solution

Dive deeply into the benefits your product/service provides. Show that you truly understand the problem your audience is facing and care about helping them. Then, share specific ways your offering can take away the issue.

Add the Finishing Touches

Put the final touches on your marketing message. For instance, be sure you blend plenty of emotions and logic. After all, people buy on a mix of impulse and reasoning. Also, include results from a customer similar to your target audience. Show that someone with the same pain point experienced the benefits you mentioned. Additionally, point out what differentiates your brand from the competition. Include the unique benefits customers receive when buying from you instead of another company.

Need help with your marketing message?

Let us know! Contact the Smart Marketing experts at BARQAR today.

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