Responsible Marketing During a Global Pandemic: Hitting the Right Tone

So much has changed in the past few weeks.

Our work. Our priorities. Our freedom. The very fabric of our culture.

During a time when uncertainty is everywhere, it’s imperative for your brand to scrutinize the way you connect with customers and prospects. While there is no definitive handbook for marketing during this health crisis, here are a few guidelines to communicate with empathy and tact:

Hitting the Right Tone in Your Marketing

Audit your current and planned campaigns.

Consider whether the timing or message of any content or other marketing initiatives should be changed.

    • If you feel something isn’t appropriate right now, trust your gut – but don’t scrap your plans completely. This downturn is temporary, so you may only need to put things on hold for a short while.
    • Consider what content may only need to be adjusted, so that its message is relevant but also mindful.
    • If you market nationally or internationally, stay up to date on changes in outbreak status and quarantine advisements in geographic areas you’re targeting. Situations are likely to remain extremely fluid for months to come, and your marketing must respond in kind.

Scrutinize the look and feel of your marketing.

With much of our nation sheltering in place, it’s important to ensure your imagery and language are in line with the times.

    • Tone down salesy language.
    • Avoid images of large crowds, social gatherings, or people touching in workplace settings.
    • Include visuals that complement remote work and social distancing.
    • Swap out figurative language that could be misinterpreted right now, like “get in touch” or “working hand in hand with customers.”

Don’t use fear or panic as a marketing tactic.

Trying to capitalize on a crisis by preying on customers’ anxieties will only damage your brand. Skip the hyperbole and fear-mongering, and instead:

    • Educate and inform. Be the voice of reason, using news-centric content to communicate policy changes, closures, new offerings, etc.
    • Be humble. If your company is thriving right now, be sensitive to the fact that many people are out of work.
    • Be positive, but realistic. The truth? None of us knows exactly when our nation’s health or economy will rebound. Thing will return to a new normal, though, and your campaigns should include elements of optimism and hope.

How can BARQAR help?

If there’s anything we can do to assist you, please give us a call. We’re here to provide the advice, resources and support you need to get through these challenging times – and capitalize on the brighter days that lie ahead.

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