
How Do I Measure New Customer Behavior?

You could stand them next to a yardstick. You could hook ’em up to an EKG machine. You could implant a GPS tracking chip in each of them.

You could…but these are definitely not effective ways to measure the behavior of your new customers.

New customers are extremely important to the long-term success of your business, right? And naturally, the better you understand them:

  • How they select and use your products or services
  • How they think and feel about your brand (and your competitors’)
  • What motivates their purchasing decisions
  • How they are influenced by peers, culture, and media (including marketing campaigns)…

…the easier it is to acquire and keep them.

So, what is the best way to measure new customers’ behavior?

These days, modern marketers have myriad tools at their disposal to measure, understand, predict, and even influence consumer behavior. Choosing the right research mix (i.e., one that is cost-effective and includes data from a variety of sources) will paint a clear picture of the personal, psychological and social factors that impact your customers’ purchasing behavior.

Here are a few tools to consider:

  1. Customer reviews. Facebook. Yelp. TripAdvisor. Glassdoor. The list goes on and on! Reading reviews on these platforms can help you better understand common problems or wishes you could address.
  2. Q&A sites. People use question and answer sites like Quora.com and LinkedIn Answers to learn about things you could – and should – be helping them with. Find out the types of information your target audience is seeking out and sharing.
  3. Market research. Focus groups, online surveys, and interviews provide a structured way to collect data, ask structured questions directly, and probe for detailed information.
  4. Google Analytics. The Audience tab is particularly valuable in understanding customers because it shows you geographic, interest, and demographic data on new visitors to your website.
  5. Keyword research. Tools like Google Adwords Keyword Planner can tell you what keywords customers are using to search for your products or services, as well as the right semantic keywords to use to improve your ranking results.
  6. Blog comments. Monitor your blog to uncover questions, concerns, or interests new customers have.
  7. Competitive analysis. Why and what are consumers’ buying from your competitors – and not from you? Tools like SimilarWeb and Kompyte can be used to reveal competitors’ website traffic, keywords, and more. And on a more basic level, you can do your own competitive research online or by “shopping” your competitors to see how they sell to and treat new customers.
  8. Social media. We live so much of our lives online these days. As a result, social sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and more can be mined to reveal customers’ interests and purchasing behavior.
  9. Your CRM/database. If you maintain an accurate database, you already have a wealth of information about your prospects and customers at your fingertips! Analyze the data available to uncover patterns in why and how new customers buy from you and determine what type of prospect information you should beginning tracking.

What other marketing trends and tools are popular in 2020?

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