A Quick Analysis of Google’s “People Also Search For” Box

If you use Google, you’re probably familiar with its “People also ask,” “Related search” and “Searches related to” features. Each tries to provide additional relevant queries for your search.

But have you seen “People also search for”?

Unlike Google’s other search-assist features, “People also search for” (PASF) only appears when you conduct an organic search, click on a result, and then use the browser’s back arrow to return to your search results page.

Here’s what it looks like:

What’s so special about “People also search for”?

At first glance, PASF may just look like Google’s other search tools. But there are a few key differences:

  1. PASF serves topically connected search suggestions. Unlike “Searches related to,” which is designed to help you refine or expand your current search query, PASF results sends you down related – but different – search “rabbit holes.”
  2. PASF attempts to answer your next question. Because the tool only appears once you’ve clicked a result – and then navigated back to the results page – it’s essentially saying, “Oh – didn’t find what you were looking for? Here are a few different searches to try instead.”
  3. PASF results are served based on URLs. From what we’ve learned, this feature returns topics that relate to the URL of your initial search (i.e., the URL of the result you clicked on, and not the original search string you typed into Google).

How can you use “People also search for” to your advantage?

PASF is like a little marketing gift from Google. With the right expertise, research and testing, you can use it to:

  • better understand the queries searchers are conducting;
  • grow your keyword list;
  • help your content rank higher in organic search; and
  • create the right content to address topics your audience finds relevant.

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