
Too Busy for Social Media? Consider These 3 Tips…

Your time is valuable. And investing time in social media for your business is the key to success, right? (The correct answer is YES!)

Simplify social media

Yes, you need to invest in social media. But no, it doesn’t have to take over your entire schedule. We know you have additional responsibilities, and this is in addition to, rather than in place of your other tasks. So what should you do?

Make it easier.

Consider these tips to help you make social media an important part of your schedule without investing your entire day into creating interesting content to share.

Repurpose content

You don’t have to create a new 500-word blog post every time you want to share something on social media. In fact, you would be missing out on valuable opportunities if you craft awesome content for your blog and then only share it once on social media.

Outside of very timely pieces, your blog and website hold a wealth of content to share on social media – so share it! If content is still relevant, you can continue sharing it until it loses that relevancy. You may share a blog post about a new use for one of your products on Twitter tomorrow, and then share the same post again to LinkedIn on Thursday.  Same content but different times, different audiences and maybe different results!

Test and research, then eliminate

Your social media strategy should be created around your target audiences. It may require some research and some testing, but find where you audiences are online, and focus on these platforms.

For example, Pinterest is a great social media platform – if your audience is there. While you’re unlikely to find light industrial workers on this platform, retail or healthcare firms may find their audiences spending time on this platform.

Use data to make informed decisions

It’s all about the bottom line, so make informed decisions. If you find that Facebook and Twitter are driving large amounts of targeted traffic to your website, but other platforms are sorely falling behind, focus your efforts accordingly. While it’s important to have a strong presence across social media, you shouldn’t waste your time on platforms that aren’t successful for your company.

While it may sound like this is actually more work than just jumping on social media for ten minutes each day, investing this time into your strategy will ensure greater success & efficiencies in the long term.

Still not so sure?

We can help. BARQAR Marketing has a ton of awesome resources on our blog to help your team create the most effective – and manageable – social strategy for your business.

Reach out today for help finding answers to your social media questions or to find out how our team can help you manage your social media strategy.

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