STOP Trying to Create Perfect Content – Just Create Content!

The Beatles recorded 237 original songs (source), 17 of which went on to be number one (source).

Picasso completed an estimated 13,500 paintings (source)

Samuel L. Jackson has appeared in 122 movies (source)

The point?

Great Extraordinary artists have created more content than the average person can imagine, all for the sake of content creation…not perfection.

Time and time again, I find myself getting caught up on a blog post or a longer-form piece of content. Maybe it’s a certain word that doesn’t sound right. Or maybe it has to do with a particular point that isn’t being addressed fully. Whatever the case, we tend to get caught up on something minor within a piece of content and that ultimately gets in the way of us clicking publish and releasing what could have been an otherwise great article for our audience.

The problem with this?

There is no such thing as the perfect piece of content..and we have to stop trying to create perfect.

Going Viral

With social algorithms changing on a consistent basis, the days of going viral and getting a blog post seen by millions of people are gone. Sorry…it had to be said. Sure, certain posts will jump to the top of the newsfeed but, the more we study the articles that do, we find that these typically have to do with serious (often devastating) world events, or a feel good piece of content with high sharability.


That’s not the point of your content marketing initiative.

STOP creating content with the hopes that it will be the next Buzzfeed article that everybody shares. That is not…and never should be the primary concern of your content marketing efforts.

Don’t Get Hung Up On Grammar

We’ve published many articles with BARQAR. Time for a secret…we’ve only had a handful of them proofread and spot checked for grammar. Sure we run spell check in Google Docs when we type the articles, and we also run Grammarly to spot check it a second time, but after that we drop the article into WordPress and click publish.

For us, there’s a better voice to our content when we think less about making sure everything is perfect and worry more about what the heck we’re actually trying to say.

Ultimately, when people read your article they don’t think about the comma you missed or the fact that you used title case instead of sentence case. They care about the takeaway. They care about the overall points that you were trying to make and how those points can help them with their day to day initiatives.


Create for the Sake of Creation Not Perfection

The Beatles recorded and released 237 songs. 17 went on to be number one on the charts. That’s 220 songs that statistically weren’t good enough to be at the top of the charts.

But, what if we flip that. What if we were to poll a room full of people and ask them what their favorite Beatles song was. I guarantee that there would be a healthy mix of answers.

See,  what I like…and what you like…are different. AND THAT’S OKAY!

Content marketing, is exactly the same.

Every blog article doesn’t need to be Hey Jude

The resource that you put together this week might not resonate with your entire audience. It might not climb to the top of the charts and become the most viewed article on your blog. But, that’s okay. It doesn’t have to.

Your article doesn’t have to change the world…it just has to change one person. Just one frustrated potential customer needs to come across your blog post, see it, take it to heart and then reach out to your business to solve their problem.

Create for the sake of creation…not for perfection.

Looking to Build Your Blog but Not Sure Where to Start?

We can help! With our Blog Writing Service, one of our social media marketing advisors will piece together a content plan specific for your business goals. Once a plan is in place, our writers get to work and we’ll start providing content on a weekly basis to fuel your content marketing initiatives.
Turn your website into a lead generation machine. Contact BARQAR today!

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