Alternatives to Cold Calls That Work!

Hate cold calling?

Of course you do. So do we.  Everybody does!

And frankly, prospects hate receiving them.

So…why is cold calling still one of the most common marketing tactics across industries?

Many veteran sales pros will say “because it works.” But we think the real reason is because people don’t really know (or aren’t trained on) what else to do.

Sales calls will always remain an essential part of selling (we’re not suggesting you eliminate them entirely), but here are a few alternatives to radically improve and simplify the process:

1. Don’t ask to see the decision maker.
On drop by calls, leave a copy of an intriguing article about issues that are critical to your ideal clients. In the materials you drop off, don’t pitch your products or services; offer ideas of real value. Then follow-up with a call, email and LinkedIn invite to discuss the ideas.

LNL2. Lunch and Learn.
Target a specific office park (or local group of businesses) with an invitation to a “Lunch and Learn” seminar on relevant business best practices, exclusively for companies in that area.

3. Free offer.
Find companies that are working with your competitors and structure a limited offer for trying your products or services for free. Explain that you’re willing to extend the free offer to demonstrate your organization’s abilities. Just make sure you create an offer that sets the stage for doing more business together in the future (and doesn’t send your company to the poor house!).

4. Market research.
Develop a market research survey to learn about the trends and issues important to your clients and prospects. Call people to ask them to participate in the survey, and then offer to send a copy of the results at no charge as a “thank you” for participating. In the process, you’ll also learn a ton about your customers’ mindsets – which will help you do a better job meeting their needs.

5. Be an “un-salesman.”
Send a letter to targeted prospects telling them that you’d love to work with their firm, but you will not interrupt their day with unsolicited calls. Tell them you want to introduce yourself with an “un-sales” process.

Follow up with a series of letters or interesting drop-offs that focus on the kinds of problems you can solve, the glowing testimonials you have from other clients, the unique capabilities of your service team. Ideally, make each piece memorable by including a clever promotional item or attention-grabbing graphics.

If you want to stand out from the competition – and really get beyond the commodity game – you have to be willing to do things differently.

Want high-quality inbound leads – without cold calling?

Give BARQAR a call. Our digital and inbound marketing specialists will design a solution that increases your sales effectiveness and keeps the leads flowing!

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