Well, you’ve made it this far with us and we’re happy to conclude the list of 100 Sales Motivation tactics.
If you’re coming to the party late…take a look at the previous installments; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
For those of you that have been with us since the beginning…behold the final 20 tactics:
81. Continuing education for sales reps.
82. We celebrate small victories sometimes on a monthly—if not weekly—basis. These little “parties” help keep morale up and give us something to look forward to.
83. Let reps leave early on a rotating basis. Let reps have a 1/2 day off on Fridays for excellent performance.
84. As a sales rep, I have paid little bonuses to operations staff for taking care of those special accounts we have acquired during this time.
85. Get more personal with current clients. Better and more effective follow-up with current clients. Get referrals from current clients.
86. Each morning we huddle (15 minutes max) to discuss what happened the day before, roadblocks, anticipated issues and customer needs, etc.
87. Keep giving them information about their results so that they have knowledge.
88. We have a good team spirit and realize that despite our best efforts there are slow days.
89. Group sessions with non-sales staff to look at the sales problems from a different perspective.
90. We go drinking. (Editors note to self – consider a sales job…)
91. We have team selling days where a sales rep from another market goes out with them so they can commiserate.
92. Keep humor in the work equation.
93. Shift views a bit and talk about new marketing ideas to pass on.
94. Brainstorm the customers’ needs before they come to you with them…determine ways that they need us before they realize it.
95. Lower salaries and raise commission structure to make them more participatory in the process. With the lower salaries we also throw in an extra paid day off a month to help rid people of their burnout blues.
96. Offer a change of scenery for cold calling and/or sales meetings – the park, a local lake, someone’s pool….
97. Hire experienced part time sales reps to avoid burnout. Pay above average commission incentives.
98. Free beer. (Editor’s note to self 2- did I get that resume out yet?)
99. Be consistent.
100. Stay calm, it’s not brain surgery.
So there you have it! Hope you enjoyed the list…we had fun collecting the info and compiling it for your enjoyment!
As you ponder what you’ve read…remember that BARQAR can help you keep your sales team’s fires fueled (and their motivation soaring!) by working to help you create high quality, inbound leads.
Give us a call to learn more about our digital and inbound marketing solutions that include:
• Website development
• Social media management
• Blogging
• Search engine optimization
• Reputation management