100 Ways to Motivate Your Sales Team (Part 3)

40 excellent ways to Motivate Your Sales Team down…..and this post brings us to (and beyond) the halfway point of your ideas.  If you’re coming to the topic late, please be sure to check out Part 1 & Part 2 as well!

41. Set weekly short-term goals, and offer incentives each week for reaching them. For example, an incentive may be 2 hours off. This keeps employees focused and energized each week.

42. Role-play tough scenarios with your employees or make calls with them.

43. Provide comp days for long hours or weekends worked.

44. Use continuing education, a hands-on management style and frequent incentives based on growth to keep people motivated.

45. Try to keep duties fresh. Consider cross-training, job-sharing or shadowing options.

46. Find as many ways as possible for your sales team to stay in contact with customers outside of the normal sales cycle. Golf tournaments, networking events, brown bag lunches, etc.

47. Provide employees with a forum (like a virtual water cooler) where they can share their frustrations and brainstorm ideas.

48. Set smaller goals that are quickly reached, and reward employees as you move that goal up.

49. Provide employees with lots of praise and public recognition at community events.

50. If a REALLY good achievement occurs, order in food and let everyone go home a little early.

51. Let reps leave early on a rotating basis, or let them have a 1/2 day off on Fridays for excellent performance.

52. Pay bonuses to operations staff for taking care of those special accounts you have acquired.

53. Huddle every morning (15 minutes max) to discuss what happened the day before, roadblocks, anticipated issues and customer needs, etc.

54. Keep giving employees information about their results so that they have knowledge, which is power. Share articles and information concerning the industry as a whole so that they know they are not alone.

55. Keep attitudes positive with new training, research and exploration of new markets.

56. More staff meetings to review and encourage. Relax some of our margin requirements to accept orders we might not otherwise take to give work to the stall.

57. Emphasize work/life balance.

58. Create a list of 40 little things that each rep may choose to purchase for clients each month. Give each rep a budget and expense account for the month so they can choose to purchase a gift, flowers for a special occasion, etc. for clients as they see fit. Require reps to share their expenditures and results, and then reward the individuals with the best results. Everyone will benefit from the good will, and from management’s standpoint, these little things become a habit. In the meantime, your employees will appreciate the authority to choose and create their own client gift program.

59. Pep talks matter. Thank employees for the extra effort they give, and tell them to hang in there when things are tough.

60. Recognize achievements toward larger goals, such as obtaining sales appointments even when they don’t get the sale.


The next 20 responses in our countdown will be posted soon!

In the meantime – BARQAR can help you keep your sales team’s fires fueled (and their motivation soaring!) by working to help you create high quality, inbound leads.

Give us a call to learn more about our digital and inbound marketing solutions that include:

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