Millions of People Seek Attorney Services Every Year!
In any given year, roughly 58 million people seek an attorney!1 That’s a lot of potential billable hours just waiting for you to capture!
The question is…how do you best get your fair share of that large pie?
A decade ago, if you focused your attention on asking your clients to promote your services to their friends & family…you might’ve been doing ok since that is how 65% of people said they were most likely to research potential attorneys.2
But Times….They are A-Changin’
76% of adults that looked for an attorney in the past year used online resources in their search.3
83% of those adults said they used online attorney reviews as their first step!4
“While it’s great when friends talk to friends about your practice, you don’t have any control over it…it simply doesn’t scale fast enough….” – Mike Ramsey,
Even More Importantly…
Nearly 9 out of 10 people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations…AND they are 6.5 more times likely to trust online reviews than traditional advertising.5
Of your potential clients seeking information on review sites, 65% said that the ratings & reviews were at least “moderately influential” with 28% calling them “extremely influential”!6
That influence can be directly found in the fact that 70% of those clients are willing to commute to an “inconvenient” part of town if it means going to an attorney with better online reviews!7
Where are you spending your practice’s marketing dollars?
Ready to Generate More Online Reviews?
At BARQAR, we specialize in helping all types of local businesses generate more online reviews. Learn more about our system and app that will help you generate immediate customer feedback and reviews.
1 LexisNexis “Attorney Selection Research Study” 2012
2 Survey 2014
3 LexisNexis “Attorney Selection Research Study” 2012
4 “How Prospective Clients Use Online Legal Reviews Study” 2014
5 – Local Consumer Review Survey 2013
6 LexisNexis “Attorney Selection Research Study” 2012
7 “How Prospective Clients Use Online Legal Reviews Study” 2014